Belgium – Day 3

We tripped to Antwerp by the train from Brussels Centre station. Antwerp here I come for the first time: 

 We strolled around the modern town’s shopping. Then we visited Cathedral of Our Lady: 

 And perfectly selfie with it: 


Also I took a beautiful cityscape of Grote Markt: 

 I tried to find where is UK flag at outside of Stadhuis. Finally I found it. I am proud that I am half British with the flag: 

 And there’s City Hall: 


We walked to a boat terminal. The place made me remind of New York City’s next to Hudson River opposite New Jersey: 

 Then we returned to the town for a dinner but we saw a shop, Winderkammer’s funny board: 

 Later, we returned to Brussels by a train then we walked to the waffle factory. I ate Belgian waffle so delicious! 

 Carey Marvin (my mum) likes my picture and she commented on my Instagram: 

 I don’t remmber that I have been Antwerp before. Maybe I guess it was long time ago.

Anyway, next day, we have lot to do something in Brussels soon.

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